Why ITC Share Price Dropped 4% on Hotel Business Demerger Announcement – Explained:


On [Date], the Indian multinational conglomerate ITC Limited made a significant announcement regarding the demerger of its hotel business. While this strategic move aimed to unlock value and streamline the company’s operations, it also triggered a notable 4% decline in ITC’s share price. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind this market reaction and explore the implications of the hotel business demerger on ITC’s overall performance.

During a board meeting today, the directors evaluated various alternative structures for the hotel business towards crafting the next horizon of growth as also enhancing value creation for all stakeholders.

With a revenue of Rs 2,700 crore, 120 properties and 11,500 rooms in its kitty, ITC is the second largest hotel chain in India among listed.

About half of the rooms added in the last 3 years in the standalone entity have been through management contracts.

The hotels business has seen its revenue growing at 12% CAGR over FY20-23. On the back of healthy occupancies (~70%) and peak average room rates (ARR), segmental EBITDA margin expanded to an all-time high of 32.2% in FY23. In the segment, the revenue doubled over FY22, standing at 1.4x of pre-pandemic levels.
Analysts say the hotels business is in a sweet spot, with improving travel activities and no new major room supply in the industry coming on stream leading to high occupancy and ARR.

Demerger Rationale:

ITC’s decision to demerge its hotel business comes as a part of its ongoing strategy to focus on core sectors while maximizing value for shareholders. Over the years, the company has diversified its operations across various industries, including tobacco, hotels, FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods), agri-business, and paperboards, among others. By demerging the hotel business, ITC aims to create a separate entity that can operate independently and sharpen its focus on the hospitality sector.

Market Sentiments:

Share prices are inherently influenced by market sentiments and investor perceptions. In the aftermath of the demerger announcement, investors reacted with mixed emotions. Some shareholders perceived the move as an opportunity to unlock the potential of ITC’s core businesses, leading to a favorable outlook on the company’s prospects. Conversely, others might have expressed concerns about the uncertainty surrounding the new standalone hotel entity’s performance, leading to a temporary dip in the share price.

Impact on Valuation:

A significant factor contributing to the drop in share price is the potential impact on the valuation of both the demerged hotel business and the remaining ITC entities. When a company demerges one of its divisions, the overall valuation dynamics change. Investors might have readjusted their valuation models, leading to some short-term fluctuations in the share price. However, in the long run, this demerger could enhance transparency and value realization, which may positively impact the share price.

Investor Uncertainty:

Financial investment volatility, uncertainty or change in business and stock market due to Coronavirus crisis concept, businessman investor fall on uncertainty, volatile up and down arrow profit graph

Any significant corporate restructuring can introduce uncertainty among investors. Questions about the financial performance and growth prospects of the new standalone hotel entity might have triggered a cautious approach among some shareholders. In response, they might have opted to sell their shares, leading to the temporary 4% decline in ITC’s share price. However, as the company provides more clarity and detailed plans for the demerged hotel business, investor confidence is likely to rebound.

Sector-Specific Challenges:

The hospitality industry faced unprecedented challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, impacting revenues and operations significantly. While the situation has improved, the hotel business still might encounter lingering challenges in the post-pandemic recovery phase. Investors might be concerned about the immediate prospects of the new hotel entity, leading to the initial decline in share price. Nevertheless, if the hotel sector rebounds and shows signs of growth, it could positively influence the share price in the future.

Regulatory Factors:

Demergers often involve regulatory approvals and compliance procedures. The uncertainty surrounding the regulatory process might have contributed to the share price dip, as investors are cautious about potential delays or impediments. However, once the demerger process is completed successfully and the new hotel entity starts its independent operations, the share price could stabilize and reflect the true value of the restructured ITC group.


ITC’s decision to demerge its hotel business has triggered a 4% decline in its share price due to a combination of market sentiments, uncertainty, valuation adjustments, and sector-specific challenges. However, this strategic move aims to create long-term value for shareholders by unlocking the potential of ITC’s core businesses and providing greater transparency into the hotel sector’s performance. As the company provides more clarity and the hotel business finds its footing, investor confidence is likely to rebound, leading to a potentially positive impact on ITC’s share price in the future.

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